Indigenous signs for cities in Australia (Australia)

National flag David Bar-TzurNational flag

map of Australia

Flags: World flag database.
Map: - "search" for country, then "Digital Map Graphics".

For a quick, interesting resource for facts about this and other countries,
try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Explanation of glossing system used
(to understand how I describe the signs in this dictionary)

(1) DH [1], PO down, FO > NDS, strokes down on thumbtip of NDH [A dot], PO > DS.1 (< modification of the Auslan letter "A".) (2) Tap the slightly curved index and middle fingers of one hand on the chin. To see a video of this sign, go to Auslan - Signbank: Adelaide.

(2h)[F] knock FTs together 2x. To see a video of this sign, go to Auslan - Signbank: Brisbane. (< Auslan B-B.)

(2h)[B], DH brushes its palm against the palm of the NDH from wrist to FTs, like the ASL sign NICE, then DH [1] points downwards. To see a video of this sign, go to Auslan - Signbank: Hobart. [< "H (Auslan FS) here".]

NDH [S], PO > DS held in place; DH [squashed C], PO > signer, brushes chin while moving from side to side, then land on NDH with a slap.2 (< the local geography: Launceston is on the north coast of the island state of Tasmania, which is south of Melbourne. The fist represents Tasmania, and the other hand in effect says "Melbourne up there, us down here on top of Tasmania".)

(1) [4], FO points to neck, wg while moving lf and rt 2x.1 (2) [squashed C], PO > signer, brushes chin while moving from side to side.2 To see a video of this sign, go to Auslan - Signbank: Melbourne.

[K], PO away, FO up, bends at wrist to end up aa a [P]. To see a video of this sign, go to Auslan - Signbank: Perth.

(2h)[N dot but FT are closed on thumb], PO <<, FOs up, hands approach and open so that the FT of one hand touch the corresponding FT of the otherhands. To see a video of this sign, go to Auslan - Signbank: Sydney. (< imitation of the Sydney Harbour Bridge.)

List of sources cited

1. Signs around the world: Cities [Videotape]. Burtonsville, MD: Sign Media.
2. J. Sutton, personal communication, 1998.
