Indigenous signs for cities in Finland (Suomi)

Finnish flag David Bar-TzurFinnish flag

map of Flinland

Flag: World flag database.
Map: - "search" for country, then "Digital Map Graphics".

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try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Explanation of glossing system used
(to understand how I describe the signs in this dictionary)

[E], PO away, FO up, circles CW as seen by signer. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

[bO], PO away, FO up, fingers open to a [bC]. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

[5:] touches FT to the pate [top of the head] and rise upwards to show a crown, because this is the capital city and where the king resided. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

[horns], PO > back, FOs up, and NDH [B] touches the elbow of DH. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

(2h)[5], POs > signer, FOs ><, twist at wrists so that the fingers move up and down. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

[I], PO away, FO up + (2h)[loose B], POs down, FOs > NDS wg. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

Thumb of [A dot] touches dorsal [back] side of wrist and then the elbow of NDH [S[, PO > signer, FO up. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

(2h)[B with thumb against index], POs down but angled towards each other at 45 degrees, DH slides palm twice against the side of the NDH. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

(2h)[1], POs > signer, FOs angled up at 45 degrees, FT bounce down and then back into place with the flip of the wrists. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

DH [5], PO > signer, FOs > NDS, touch palm of NDH [B] to DH thmb and DH wg. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

(2h)[V:], POs up, FOs angle towards each other at 45 degrees. Both hands move forward and cross paths. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

[1], PO > signer, FO up, FT spirals upwards. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

(2h)[loose H], NDH PO > signer, FO up, DH PO down, FO > NDS, DH moves > NDS and straddles NDH FT in such a way that DH middle finger is on one side and index finger is on the other side. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

DH [V] straddles [Bb] as if riding a horse and both hands move away in upward arcs. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

[5], PO down, is placed on dorsal (back) side of [S], PO dowon, FO > DS, and both hands rise. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

[1], PO > NDS, FO up, descends in front of nose + DH [1] PO down, FO > NDS moves > DS in front of nose. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

signer, FO > NDS, moves > NDS. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

[S], PO away, FO up, moves away, circles down and then up, ending with opening all the fingers. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

[5], PO away, FO up, is held at forehead level + [1^], PO down, FO away, is held at chest level. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

[F with middle finger touching thumb], PO > signer, FO > NDS, is held at NDS and moves > DS while wrist is twisting. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

(2h)[S], POs > siger, FOs ><, DH is held on top of NDH and bother rise + [O] touches radial [thumb] side of [O] against DS corner of mouth. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

[S], PO away, FO up, opens fingers twice. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

[X], PO > singer, FO > NDS, moves > NDS and then arcs upwards. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

[V], PO away, FO > NDS, moves upwards and then > DS. To see a drawing of this sign, see the note at the bottom of this page.

List of sources cited

To see a drawing of any of these city signs, go to Papunetin Kuvatyökalu, click on "Paikat", and when the subcategories for "Paikat" come up, click on "Kaupungit". To enlarge the picture, click on it and it will be transferred to the larger boxes on the right side. When those boxes are filled, click on the double angle brackets ">>" in the upper righthand corner of the box that says "Sivu".

