Indigenous signs for cities in Japan (日本)

Japanese flag David Bar-TzurJapanese flag

map of Japan

Flag: World flag database.
Map: - "search" for country, then "Digital Map Graphics".

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Explanation of glossing system used
(to understand how I describe the signs in this dictionary)

Hiroshima (広島)
(2h)[H], PO > signer, FTs touch, hands separate and twist to PO away from signer and FO up, then hands nod downwards at the wrist. For a video of this sign, see Sign for Japanese cities at 0:33. (< the shape of a monument commemorating the H-bomb victims)

Hokkaido (北海道)
(2h)[H], PO down, FO ><, describe a diamond by being held together high, separating while descending, then coming together while descending further.1 (< shape of northmost island?)

[flat F], PO > signer, FO up, hand moves from NDS to DS at level of eyebrows. For a video of this sign, see Sign for Japanese cities at 0:13.

Kyoto (京都)
(2h)[L^], POs down, FOs away but index fingers point downwards, hands descend 2x. For a video of this sign, see Sign for Japanese cities at 0:40. [< the sign and ideogram ("character") for sun. Note that the name To-kyo is the reverse of Kyo-to, as is the sign.]

(2h)[1], POs ><, FOs up, separate while changning to (2h)[X]. For a video of this sign, see Sign for Japanese cities at 0:19.

Okinawa (沖縄県)
[H], PO away, FO up, touches temple, then twist 2x while traveling up temple, ending with PO > signer.1

Osaka (大阪)
[H], PO away, FO up, taps temple 2x. For a video of this sign, see Sign for Japanese cities at 0:26.

(2h)[4], POs down, NDH FO away, DH FO > NDS, NDH is static and DH strokes dorsal (top) side > DS. For a video of this sign, see Sign for Japanese cities at 0:07.

Tachikawa (立川市)
DH [W], PO > signer, touches [5], PO up, FO away from signer, with FT, moves > DS in upward arc while changing into [V].1

Tokyo (東京)
(2h)[L], POs away, FOs up, ascend slightly twice.1 [(< the sign and ideogram ("character") for sun. Note that the name To-kyo is the reverse of Kyo-to, as is the sign.] For a video of this sign, see Sign for Japanese cities at 0:05.

Yokohama (横浜市)
[H], PO > signer, strokes cheek 2x from ear to chin.1

List of sources cited

1. Signs around the world: Cities [Videotape]. Burtonsville, MD: Sign Media.
