Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Iceland (Island)

Created 10 April 2000, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Icelandic flagDavid Bar-TzurIcelandic flag

map of Iceland

Flag: World flag database.
Map: Perry-Castañeda Library Map Collection.

For a quick, interesting resource for facts about this and other countries,
try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (video camera: This links to a video), it is a video in that spoken language. A flag followed by Sign Language iconmeans it is in the sign language of that country. globe (international icon)Sign Language iconmeans there is International Gesture.

Artistic interpreting: Music, poetry, literature, and theater Assistive living devices Deafblind Deaf culture Deaf education & youth
Íslenskt táknmál (Icelandic Sign Language) Íslenskt táknmál (Icelandic Sign Language) dictionaries Organizations Unclassified websites

Artistic interpreting: Music, poetry, literature, and theater

saeunns. (2008, January 9). Táknmálssöngur - "Fjöllin hafa Vakað" með Bubba.Icelandic flagSign Language icon5 deaf icelandic teens singin song by Bubbi Morthens in sign language.

Assistive living devices

Heyrnar- og talmeinastöd Íslands.


Deaf culture

Bjarminatorinn. (2008, June 27). Her Proplem Is Deaf People.Icelandic flag,British & American flagA clip from an icelandic tv show called Svalbardi. Its a funny clip about a woman that has a proplem with deaf people funny as shit but it only has english subtitle and the spoken language is icelandic sorry about the text.

Olafsdottir, E. (10 March 1996). Deafness in Iceland.

World Deaf directory - Iceland.

YouTube - DeafAdamsson's Channel.Icelandic flagSign Language icon

Deaf education & youth

Stefánsdóttir, V. (28 February 1999). New approaches in teaching deaf students.

Íslenskt táknmál (Icelandic Sign Language)

A Lexical Comparison of Icelandic Sign Language and Danish Sign Language. The signs for 292 lexical items were analysed by comparing the parameters of hand configuration (together with orientation of the hand/palm), location and movement and classified as Identical, Similar or Different. Results revealed a high percentage of similarity. A much higher degree of lexical similarity was found in the realisation of country names than any other semantic category. The study contributes to work in the field of Nordic Sign Languages and has methodological implications for the study of sign language vocabulary internationally.

bjarkihalldors. (2008, October 24). Una Þórdís signalling and singing.Icelandic flag,Icelandic flagSign Language iconMy daugter, my youngest child, singing along with the computer and showing the deaf signals as well. I was amazed by her knowledge, since I don´t know any of these.

Einstaklingar < - ef þú ert tryggður þá færðu það bætt.Icelandic flagSign Language iconClick "Táknmál".

Hugvísindadeild Háskóla Íslands Um táknmá.

Icelandic Sign Language: A language of Iceland.

Íslandshreyfingin.Icelandic flagSign Language iconClick "Táknmál".

Sjá - Óháð ráðgjöf » Hvað, hvenær og af hverju?Icelandic flagSign Language iconClick "Táknmál".

Táknmál og heyrnarlausir < Vefsvæði

Upp með hendur.Icelandic flagSign Language iconTákmálskennslan er á vegum. Samskiptamiðstöðvar heyrnarlausra og heyrnarskertra. Ábendingar um notkun. Fingrastafrófið, Litir, Tölur, Dagar, Mánuðir, Árstíðir, Dýr, Ýmis tákn, Matur.

Vísindavefurinn: Hvað er táknmál? Er til alþjóðlegt mál fyrir heyrnarlausa?

YouTube - SindriDeaf's Videos.Icelandic flagSign Language icon

Íslenskt táknmál (Icelandic Sign Language) dictionaries

SignOn.UK flag,Spanish flag,Swedish flag,Norwegian flag,Austrian flag,Icelandic flag,Dutch flag,Finnish flagClick on "Dictionary".

Táknabankinn.Icelandic flagSign Language icon


Félag heyrnarlausra (The Icelandic Association of the Deaf).American flag,Icelandic flag

Samskiptami-stö-heyrnarlausra og heyrnarskertra tíu ára (Om Kommunikationscentret for døve og hørehæmmede, The Communication Centre for The Deaf and Hard of Hearing).Danish flag,American flag,Icelandic flag

Unclassified websites

Trausta, J. (8 July 1362). Veislan é grund.
