Deaf cultures and Sign Languages of the world: Jordan (المملكة الأردنية الهاشمية)

Created 10 April 2000, links updated monthly with the help of LinkAlarm.

Jordanian flagDavid Bar-TzurJordanian flag

map of Jordan

Flag: World flag database.
Map: - "search" for country, then "Digital Map Graphics").

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try Mystic Planet - The New Age directory of Planet Earth.

Note: A flag next to a link shows what language the website is in. If it is followed by this icon: (video camera: This links to a video), it is a video in that spoken language. A flag followed by Sign Language iconmeans it is in the sign language of that country. globe (international icon)Sign Language iconmeans there is International Gesture.

Deaf culture Deaf education & youth Deaf history and current events Interpreting agencies and organizations الاردنية مترجمي لغة الاشارة Lughat il-Ishaarah il-Urduniah (Jordanian Sign Language)
الاردنية مترجمي لغة الاشارة Lughat il-Ishaarah il-Urduniah (Jordanian Sign Language) dictionaries Notation systems (written and visual representations of Sign Languages)

Deaf culture

International Bibliography of Sign Language - Jordan.

Deaf education & youth

HLID - Holy Land Institute of the Deaf in Salt, Jordan.German flagHLID - Holy Land Institute of the Deaf (Institut für Gehörlose im Heiligen Land) - in Salt, Jordanien. Das HLID bietet eine Vielzahl an verschiedenen Dienstleistungen für gehörlose, taubblinde und anderweitig behinderte Menschen an. Dazu gehören unter anderem Rehabilitation, Schulbildung und Berufsausbildung. Das Institut wurde 1964 als eine kleine Schule für gehörlose Kinder gegründet. Seitdem vergrößerte es sich fast unaufhörlich und hat in der Zwischenzeit nicht nur für Jordanien, sondern für den ganzen Mittleren Osten große Bedeutung erlangt.British & American flagThe Institute was established in 1964 as small school for deaf children. It has been expanding almost ever since and has in the meantime become of great importance not only for Jordan but for the whole Middle East. The HLID offers Rehabilitation, Education, Vocational Training and other Services for deaf and physically or mentally challenged people.Dutch flagHLID - Holy Land Institute of the Deaf (Heilige Land Instituut voor Doven) - in Salt, Jordanië. Het HLID voorziet in revalidatie, onderwijs, beroepsopleiding en andere vormen van dienstverlening aan dove en anderszins gehandicapte personen. Het instituut werd in 1964 opgericht als een kleine school voor dove kinderen. Sindsdien heeft het zich voortdurend uitgebreid, in het verlangen om de grote nood in Jordanië en in het Midden Oosten te helpen verlichten.Jordanian flag أهـلاً وسهلاً أهلاً بكم في الصفحات العربية من موقع مؤسسة الأراضي المقدسة للصم.في هذه الصفحات ستجدون معلومات عن المؤسسة ونشاطاتها، عن مدينة السلط وكذلك عن الأردن . أنشئت المؤسسة عام 1964 ، وكانت مدرسة صغيرة تُعنى بالأطفال الصم. ومنذ ذلك الوقت وهي في توسع مستمر محاوِلة تلبية بعض الاحتياجات الهائلة التي يتطلبها الأردن ومنطقة الشرق الأوسط.

Holy Land Institute for the Deaf: Salt, Jordan. 5 photographs.

Mittler, P. International experience in including children with disabilities in ordinary schools. This paper was originally prepared for a meeting organised by UNICEF to stimulate discussion on the possibilities of inclusion in Tunisia. It was written in response to a request to provide examples of countries where inclusive policies were being implemented. Most of the examples refer to countries in the Middle East or North Africa or to other French or Arabic speaking countries.

Peterson, K. (26-27 October 2001). Holy Land Institute for the Deaf: A pioneer in deaf education.

Shettle, A. (2004, Spring). Deaf Children with Additional Disabilities in Developing Countries, Jordan.

مركز الأخبار - أمان - الأردن : «التعليم حق أساسي لأطفال ذوي الاعاقة» ندوة في «مؤتة» - نشاطات وفعاليات.

Deaf history and current events

Jordanian stamps album. Scroll down to the bottom to see "The Deaf".

Karim Rida Said Foundation Prize - '97 Prize Winners, First prize winner, Ms Yousra Shaban.

Interpreting agencies and organizations

Allieds Interpreters. Since, its establishment in Amman/ Jordan. Allieds Interpreters Corporation has been acting as an independent agent that bears the academic concern of translation, interpretation; simultaneous and consecutive THEREIN.

الاردنية مترجمي لغة الاشارة Lughat il-Ishaarah il-Urduniah (Jordanian Sign Language)

International Bibliography of Sign Language - Jordanian Sign Language dictionary.

Jordanian Sign Language: A language of Jordan.

SignPuddle. Literature, Encyclopedia.

الاردنية مترجمي لغة الاشارة Lughat il-Ishaarah il-Urduniah (Jordanian Sign Language) dictionaries

Bar-Tzur, D. Indigenous signs for cities: Jordan.

Kabatilo, Z. S. A pilot description of indigenous signs used by deaf persons in Jordan

SignPuddle. Dictionary Jordan.

Notation systems (written and visual representations of Sign Languages)

Sign Wiriting in the Arabic nations. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia & Syria.
